Principal's Message

Dear Xavierians, It is with great joy and a sense of purpose that I address each one of you—the bright stars of St. Xavier’s School, Tangrain. Our institution, nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Odisha, is not just a place of learning; it is a sanctuary where dreams take flight, character is molded, and futures are shaped.
Hard work, my dear students, is the compass that guides you through the labyrinth of life. As you sit in those classrooms, poring over textbooks, remember that every equation solved, every essay written, every experiment conducted brings you closer to your aspirations. The sweat on your brow today will be the sweet taste of success tomorrow.
Goals, like distant constellations, beckon you. Whether you dream of becoming a doctor, an artist, an engineer, or a teacher, know that the universe conspires in favor of those who dare to dream and work relentlessly to turn those dreams into reality. Set your sights high, for the sky is not the limit—it’s just the beginning.
Challenges will come knocking, like monsoon rains testing the roots of a sturdy tree. Embrace them. Rise above setbacks, learn from failures, and emerge stronger. Our patron saint, Francis Xavier, faced storms of his own, yet he sailed across oceans to spread knowledge and compassion. Let his spirit infuse your endeavors.
Compassion, my young scholars, is the heartbeat of our school. Extend a helping hand to your classmates, share your knowledge, and lift others as you climb. For true greatness lies not in individual achievements but in collective progress. Be the light that guides others through their darkness.
Believe in yourselves, for you are the architects of your destiny. The classrooms, the playground, the library—they are your workshops where you chisel your future. Seize every opportunity, ask questions, explore, and never stop learning. Remember, the journey of a thousand steps begins with a single stride.
Unity is our strength. We are a family—a Xavierian family. Let us celebrate our diversity, respect our differences, and stand together as one. Our motto, “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” (For the Greater Glory of God), echoes in every brick of this institution. May it resonate in your hearts as well.
Godspeed, dear Xavierians. May your efforts be like the morning dew, nurturing the seeds of your dreams. And when you stand on the podium of achievement, remember the path you took—the path of hard work, resilience, and unwavering faith.
With warm regards,
Fr Augustine Surin,
 Principal, St. Xavier’s School, Tangrain